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Meeting Notes January 19, 2022

January 19, 2022 Minutes

Bates Elementary School Community Council Agenda 

January 19, 2022 – 3:30 pm

Virtual Google Meet

Community Council Agenda/Minutes Jan 19, 2022

Attendance Roster below - 6 Council Members were not in attendance


1-Welcome – Shambray Matthews

Shambray had everyone introduce themselves.


2-Review of previous minutes – Jessica Widrick

Jessica Widrick reviewed the minutes from the October 20th, 2021 meeting.  

Motion: To approve the October 20th, 2021 minutes.

Motion made by: Jessica Widrick

Motion 2nd by: Tiffany Godfrey

Voting was unanimous.  


3-Overview of Current Budget – Laura Wright

Weekly student rotation costs = $254 spent out of $1000

Student folders donated = $0 spent out of $1000 (no longer needed)

Chromebook Lease = $22,936 spent out of $22,000

Repairs = $0 out of $7,000

Employee costs = $22,112 spent out of $69,000 (as of 12/31/2021)


4-Current Data – Laura Wright

Student data Laura showed a chart with Acadience data.  Language arts (Acadience data) compared data from BOY2020, EOY 2021, BOY2021, and MOY 2021.  Data was still being collected from some grades for the MOY 2021.  Math testing is using a new system (Acadience).  The data reviewed included the Weber school district scores for at/above benchmark, below benchmark, and well below benchmark for grades K-3 to the Bates scores. 4th thru 6th do not use Acadience but had different math goals.  76% of 4th graders could place value understanding visual representations to solve multiplication problems with multi-digit numbers.  65% of 5th graders were proficient at operations through multi-digit decimals.  80% of 6th graders have mastery on Essential Math Targets except for fractions.


6-Discussion of school needs, budget, and plan for 2022-2023

We will reassess budgets/actuals spent in March to help understand budget needs.  Sound systems are also starting to not function.  Smart panels cost between $3600-4000 and we may need more in the future. 


2022-2023 Plan: Faculty leadership feedback was preference to continue with similar trends/plan.  Potential to increase Chromebook budget.  Last years’ plan and template for this year’s plan will be sent out by Laura in February for council to preliminarily review before March meeting.


Motion: To adjourn meeting at 4:24 pm.

Made by Shambray Mathews

2nd by Jessica Widrick

Voting was unanimous.

Meeting Dates:

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Wednesday, January 19, 2022 

Wednesday, March 2, 2022 (Next Meeting)

Wednesday, April 20, 2022 – if needed


All meetings begin at 3:30 PM in the library.  Virtual option available for council members; contact Laura Wright (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if you require this option.