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Community Council Notes January 10, 2018

Community Council Notes January 10, 2018

  • Welcome & call to order -  Steve Turner
  • Review of Previous Minutes –Steve filling in for Justin and Charlotte—discussion that everyone read the minutes on the school’s website before meeting
  • Overview of Current Budget-Laura
    • Laura explained what has been spent so far this year

TL Budget amounts as of January 10, 2018

Chromebook Leases                   9,940.00

Cart Cost                                              5,716.00

Nicky’s Folders                        1000.00

FAME Supplies                         373.69

Aide Costs                                            27,226.82      

Total Expenses                      44,256.51 

Starting Budget                         71,718.00

Amount left in budget                27,461.49

  • Teacher Survey Information of School Needs-Laura
    • Laura shared that most teachers wanted to continue with aides for computer lab, FAME, and reading push in. Teachers also wanted to continue to support technology in the classroom.
    • The teachers also want to continue with Nicky’s folders for communication
    • There was discussion regarding continued money for the computer lease but no need to purchase a cart which frees up close to $6,000. The council talked about how to best use that money. With feedback from the teachers and reviewing the survey, the council decided it would be best to use the money to replace aging technology.
  • Discussion of school needs and plan
    • Laura proposed with the feedback given that she write a draft of the plan and send it out the week before the council meets.

Marjean Swanson voted to adjourn the meeting and Steve Turner 2nd it.