Community Council Minutes March 7, 2018
Laura Wright
Marjean Swanson
Steve Turner
Justin Bailey
Shamae Koer
Stacy Harris
Cassie Lindberg
Sheril Thompson
Ashley Marks
Mindy Pendergast
Bonnie Wallace
Holly Stowers
Max Barker
Marlisa Lund
Charlotte Harp
Steve welcomed the council
Justin reviewed meeting minutes from January 15
Discussion of goals and plan:
Goal #1: very brief discussion and initial approval
Goal #2: Discussion whether $500 was enough for supplies. Laura reported that the $500 plus using existing school supplies was enough. Conversation explored earmarking extra money for supplies, but it was decided to keep it as is and adjust in the future if additional resources were needed or became available.
Goal #3: Discussion on how many Chromebooks should be in the carts. Two grades will have classes with 35 students that will stress the available books. Decision to lease 10 additional Chromebooks to fill out two carts ensuring enough computers for each student in the large classes even if a few are waiting repair.
Steve proposed we move to vote on the plan with the changes discussed today; #2 seconded the vote; voting was unanimous with Marjean abstaining to ensure the number of parents to educators were appropriate
Discussion regarding voting for next year positions. Four parents have completed their terms. Julie ran the voting last year and used SurveyMonkey. Process seemed to have better participation from the community. Marlisa proposed Julie be in charge of voting again. Proposal was seconded and the motion carried.
Laura brought the 'Growth Mindset' ideas to the council and asked what information parents would want to have; feedback given that we want to know what kids are learning; email discussed as a great medium and asked that the subject line fully illustrate what the contents of the email are; discussion then went to how valuable resiliency is to the students for both school and life;
Steve wrapped up the meeting
Max motioned to adjourn, Steve seconded and all approved