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Community Council Minutes Nov 2015

Bates Community Council Minutes

Wednesday, November 04, 2015

Conducted by: Naomi Trammell.

Meeting begins at 3:02pm

Attended by:     Naomi Trammell         Angela Citte             Shelly Harris                                     Jan Ririe                    Corene Snow            Kitty Barney                                       Marjean Swanson       Krislyn Wallace        Jinny Marker                                     Sharon Larsen            Emily Tree               Amber Booth


1. Welcome and Call to Order by Naomi Trammell       

          *PowerPoint Presentation on Community Council’s Purpose

          * Designation of Trust Lands money for 2015-2016

          *$48,292 in discretionary money

          *Voted on: Reading Aides, FAME, and Chrome books among many others.


2. Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes by Naomi Trammell

          *Read by Angela Citte

          *Approved by Naomi Trammell and seconded by Jinny Marker


3.  Adopt Rules and Order of Procedure by Naomi Trammell

          *Any action items to be voted upon at Community Council meetings must                be included on the agenda.

          *Motions must be voted on and seconded per proper procedure.

          *Naomi Trammell motioned to approve and Krislyn Wallace seconded.


4. Roles and Responsibilities of Community Council pep talk by Naomi Trammell

          *Creating an effective school Trust plan requires A.C.T.


           *Have a positive attitude about your school.

           *Take responsibility for helping to improve what needs improving.

           *Your Trust land plan should support your school improvement plan.


                  *Identify who your community is:

                  *Students, Faculty, Parents, etc.

      **T=Tell Your Story

           *Plans are more than goals, they must include experiences.

           *Embrace the diversity of your school and tell people about what                          you are doing.


5. Report on Progress of Current Plan by Shelly Harris

             *The Trust land money funded some important additions this year:

             *Reading Aides have been effective in helping to improve reading                             scores.

             *The Library has acquired many new books that are very popular with                          students.

             *The FAME program has helped enrich student learning and supported                        PLC’s.

             *Chrome books were purchased and have been a great addition in                                classrooms and increased student computer lab time.

             *What are PLC’s (Professional Learning Community) and how are they                          helping our school?

             *Video by Richard DuFour discussing how PLC’s improve schools by                              improving the instruction given to teachers and leaders.

                                PLC’s 5 Questions:

                                                Discuss CORE expectations

                                                Assess student’s growth

                                                Share teaching strategies

                                                Plan for difficulty in learning and interventions

                                                Plan for success and how to take students                                                                      farther


6. Financial Update and Student Data by Kitty Barney

            *Reading Aides and Push-ins

            *K-3rd grades have push-ins every day except for Wednesdays.

            *Marked difference in reading scores last year in 1st-3rd grades from                             BOY to EOY.

            *Push-ins enhance individualized, focused support.

            *Visited USOE website to look at Bates Growth Percentile for 4th-6th                        grades.

            *SAGE results were below State and District averages.

            *Kitty Barney challenged teachers to analyze the data on the USOE                              website to improve PLC’s and teaching strategies.


7. Other Items by Naomi Trammell


8. Compliance by Naomi Trammell

            *Update the Trust Lands Plan on the Bates website

            *Post Community Council Meeting dates and times inside the school for                       parents.


9. Calendaring by Naomi Trammell

            *Proposed two extra meetings for 2016 in February and April.

            *Council decided to meet:

              -January 6th to discuss student data, identify school needs, and                                    give out assignments for identifying what programs are                                              working for other schools;

              -February 17th, if needed, to make any adjustments to goals and                                    plans; and March 2nd to finalize the plan.


10. Announced additional training on Wednesday, November 04, 2015 from                      6:00-8:00pm in North Davis.


11. Adjournment

              *Naomi Trammell motioned to adjourn and Emily Tree seconded.


*Meeting ended at 4:25pm.*