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Agenda January 6, 2016

                                  Community Council Meeting
                                Wednesday, January 06, 2016
                                                              School Library
1. Welcome and Call to Order - Naomi
2. Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes- Angela
3. Identifying Greatest Needs
4. Discussion of Ideas to Meet Goals/Implementation
5. Assignments to find out what is working for other schools
6. Other items:
7. Additional training opportunities:
     Event: UASCC Conference & Training
     Date: Thursday, January 14, 2016
     Time: 3:45 - 8:00 pm
      Location: Lehi High School (180 North Main Street, Lehi)
      Pre-Registration Link:
Come for an initial orientation to your role and duties as a community council member, to deepen your understanding from a prior training experience, or to network and share ideas with other community council members. We hope to see you there!

The Utah Association of School Community Councils

8. Adjournment


Next Meeting: Wednesday, February 17th (If needed), Wednesday, March 2nd